Friday, November 9, 2007

Another Penny Stock Purchase - HENC.OB

Okally Dokes....

I first got a recommendation to buy shares of HENC or Holloman Energy Corporation from a stock picking newsletter I subscribe to.

The newsletter is called "Doubling Stocks" & you can check it out at if you so desire.

In a nutshell HENC is an oil drilling company that is sitting on some potentially good finds.

It was named a "speculative buy" by Beacon Equity Research just the other day. They're saying it has the potential to hit $2 pps (price per share). Here's the article.

The financials are skimpy, but hey, I'm all about some upside potential when it comes to finding some sweet Texas tea.

I only dumped $50 into I won't be calling my Dad for a place to stay if it tanks. :->

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Thoughts on Learning Penny Stock Investing...

First of all....the amount of information available is overwhelming.

So many forums, so much stuff to research, so many newsletters wanting my money, etc.

I did read something that makes a lot of sense about investors though. They are ruled by one of two things:

  1. Fear (think financial sector right now & some saying a depression is coming)
  2. Greed (runaway stocks like GOOG)
By placing that in the back of my mind, it helps sort out some of the emotionally charged conversations about individual stocks on places like and the yahoo message board.

Want an example? Check this one out.

Most discussions on the YMB are nothing more than personal insults rather than intelligent debate on the future of any given stock, although there are some good posts. Just remember to check your fact w/a reliable source if someone looks to have some good insight.

My First Penny Stock Picks --- Ever !!! ---


Like I said, I opened my very first brokerage account at My initial deposit was $600. I place my first orders to buy stock on Tuesday, November 6.

I have some very basic knowledge of the stock market & I know penny stocks can be a bit more volatile than say---Wal-Mart stock. I admit I am learning different acronyms & their meanings on the fly..can't bring myself to stare down a list of terms and memorize them in one shot...although I may have to soon, I suppose.

So far, I have bought shares in 3 companies:
  1. $150 in Silicon Image (SIMG): This company interested me due to number of factors. Firstly and not necessarily my most important reason to buy SIMG shares was that I read a good article about SIMG at Some other reasons I like this company:
  • They own patents on HDTV technology that will surely skyrocket their income & profits over the next 2-3 years. They will receive royalties on these technologies as people start to buy more and more HDTV stuff.
  • SIMG financials look good. Especially their balance sheet. They have a steady profit margin on their income statement, although it does fluctuate a little. What's ahead in the next couple years is what is important though. I admit I have no idea how high this stock "should" go, but I'll be selling around $9 pps (price per share, right? lol).
2. $100 in Industrial Nanotech (INTK): They are a maker of some high tech sort of coating. Darnitt...I can't remember everything about why I bought this stock on tuesday. I do remember reading an article about how they have a big gov't contract coming up & that's what excited me. Here's an article I pulled up just now.

3. $120 in Valence Technology (VLNT): Valence makes some type of super duper gizmo batteries. Lithium Phosphate I believe. Their profits are increasing quarterly, and the market for these batteries still has a lot of growth potential.

That's it for now...I'm going to do some research today to see if I can find some more good ones (if these turn out to be good anyhow, lol). By the way, I'm in all 3 of these stocks to get at least 25% profits. I'll hold them for a while if need be, but I want to develop a sort of swing trading method with penny stocks...meaning I want to buy/sell a stock within 30-60 days.

That's all for this post.


Penny Stock Picking Journey Is Born!!!

Hi Folks -if anyone ever reads this :-/

Alright...I'll give some basic info on myself since I read that blogs need to have personality in order to obtain a loyal "readership" (is that a word?)....

I'm a 30 yr old father of two boys, Tyler who is 2.8 yrs old, and Andrew who is 5 months. Was lookin' at his 3 months old pic compared to my baby! what a resemblance! I truly find life amazing sometimes....God is an awesome God! I also have a wonderful wife of 5 years who is very supportive of me.

O....and yeah I'm a born again Christian...but I prolly won't be bloggin to much about that...although I do encourage all of you to give your lives to Jesus --- seriously!

I have a window tinting business here in Jacksonville, NC (home of Camp Lejeune USMC base). I've been doing tinting basically since I got out of the Marine Corps back in 2001. I served 4 years in the Marines as an infantryman (0311) in 3/2 Kilo Co. Proud to have served my country which I love dearly.

I support the troops in harms way in the middle east and elsewhere. And yes, I support Prez Bush too (I can sense some ppl scrunching their face now). I am hardcore conservative.

My prez hopeful for 2008? I like Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee & that order. God save us from Rudy and his abortion (murder) loving ways. Wow...didn't expect to talk about that -- lol.

Anyways, I'm going to start off with the goods now...I became interested in penny stocks recently since I had some extra cash. I opened a Zecco Account with $600. More about that in my next post.